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Enclave Insights


The N3C Enclave is a powerful online interface by which to access and interact with data from within the consortium. The Home page is an accessible starting point where new users can start to explore, with statistics and diagrams that represent the data at large as well as useful links to some of the more broadly applicable resources.

The Enclave has a suite of applications for data visualization and processing. These include:

  • Code Repositories: Write data transformation code for your project in Python, Java, and SQL languages.
  • Code Workbooks: Create, edit, and extend Foundry pipelines with code or point-and-click transforms in a graph environment.
  • Contour: Analyze large datasets with filters, joins, and visualizations. Export the result to contribute back to the Foundry pipeline.
  • Data Lineage: Explore the data pipeline.
  • Forms: Create and share forms to put data directly into Foundry.
  • Fusion: Interact with live Foundry data in a familiar spreadsheet interface.
  • Modeling Objective: Manage and deploy machine learning models.
  • Object Explorer
  • Ontology Manager
  • Preparation: Clean and format your data column-by-column to prepare it for use in Foundry.
  • Quibit
  • Reports: Create interactive, data-backed documents to share the results of your work in Foundry.
  • Quiver: Visualize, analyze, and transform Foundry-backed objects and time series at scale.
  • Slate: Build Foundry applications for your team with drag-and-drop visualization and input widgets.
  • Build Schedules
  • Builds: See the current state of your dataset builds.
  • Chronograph
  • Data Connection
  • Data Health
  • Issues

Data Processing Tools


Contour allows users to perform operations to manipulate or visualize data without writing any code. Starting with an existing dataset, users can construct a workflow out of common filter, join, transformation, and visualization operations.

Code Workbooks

Code workbooks allow you to work with and manipulate code sets with R, Python, and SQL.

The primary elements of a code workbook are:

  • Datasets: Palantir’s native database objects
  • Transforms: Code snippets that can take datasets as inputs and utilize approved packages to manipulate data and generate new datasets.

N3C Intro to Code Workbook


Due to the large an growing amount of EHR records in the N3C enclave, users may experience long wait times for operations that require a lot of memory or processing power. As a result, it is important to ensure that methods are constructed with efficiency in mind. For more information about and specific techniques for optimization, check out the training session on Optimizing Performance in the Enclave.